We Help You Plan Your Future
Our Resident Association(RA) is a voluntary non-profit organization created by Hill Park - Olive residents/purchasers. The RA formation was initiated by the developer (notice dated 20/11/2023) to assume the responsibility and the continuity of the security guard service to the proposed gated and guarded community scheme, before the expiration (1/12/2023) of a caretaker period of 6 years by the developer.
Preamble to all 265 units Owners/Tenants about RA Membership and Security/Maintenance Fees.
The letter from the Developer to All 265 units owners clearly states that from 1st December 2023 Midnight, the security service will cease and the developer will require the Resident Association or the Resident Committee should be functioning and all matters relating to guard house, and hiring of security should come under the purview of the RA.
Since you are one of the residents of Hill Park, you have to ensure the safety of the household, and your obligation to make sure the area is conductive to stay.
Your participation is crucial to the success of setting up the committee. Failure to do so, we assume that you are agreeable with whatever decision made during the meeting (AGM dated 19th Aug 2023).
Maintenance Fee is @ RM100.00/month. All collection of maintenance or security fees shall be under the purview of the RA. (The Committee shall have the power to fix a re-enterance fee for any person who was has allowed his membership to lapse through arrears.)